1. Does Tyler Wursta Video subcontract?

We do and have for years! We almost hired more than our executive staff in January 2020, but then COVID-19 hit, governments made their decisions, and the world changed. During this time, businesses wanted smaller crews and quicker turnaround times due to restrictions, and a subcontracting business model was perfect. So we stuck with it. However, after restriction were lifted, the market, at large, kept the desire for smaller crews. We have kept the mentality of delivering content efficiently with a small footprint unless needed otherwise and helped our clients win great successes with it! It also helps keep the investment down internally and for our clientele.

We currently have a team of more than forty professionals.

2. I already have a marketing department, why should I hire a video team?

We actually made a blog post about this and mention this also under the video marketing FAQ page. Video and Marketing are two sides of the same coin. If you have a marketing department they already are handling a massive part of your pipeline. They handle email marketing, content marketing, your website most likely and it's SEO, your social media pages, etc. Creating video content can be a very complex task at times. To ease the extra workload, it is advisable to outsource, or hire a video team internally. Outsourcing is very common for marketing departments and agencies as it saves businesses a massive amount of investment annually in salaries, benefits, etc. while delivering the same, or better results.

3. How can I ensure a seamless collaboration between you and your team and my in-house team?

To ensure a seamless collaboration between our teams, we need effective project management practices, establish regular communication channels, provide detailed briefings and guidelines, encourage open dialogue, and foster a collaborative atmosphere that promotes teamwork and mutual support. We are your partner in the content strategy and we want to hear how well everything went at the end of the project. We will always strive to be a strong collaborative force for you.

4. What are the challenges and risks involved in video production subcontracting?

Some challenges and risks involved in video production subcontracting include potential miscommunication, coordination issues, quality control concerns, and potential delays. It's important to establish clear guidelines, milestones, and expectations upfront to mitigate these risks and ensure a successful partnership.

5. What are the potential advantages of subcontracting video production compared to hiring full-time employees?

Subcontracting video production teams offer various advantages. These include cost savings compared to salaries and benefits, access to specialized skills for specific projects vs internal training, flexibility in size and scope, scalable resources as needed, with the ability to tap into a broader network of industry professionals the video team has access to.

6. What steps can I take to protect my intellectual property when subcontracting video production?

To protect your intellectual property when subcontracting video production, ensure that subcontractors sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or include confidentiality clauses in their contracts. Clearly define ownership rights and usage permissions for any content created by subcontractors, and register any valuable or proprietary assets with appropriate intellectual property authorities.

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